July 15, 2011

Tips and Tricks: Coming Home to Happy Pets and Plants.

I am a big fan of a couple of home design blogs and one of them is apartment therapy. This morning I noticed they had Tips and Tricks: Coming Home to Happy Pets and Plants so I thought I would share this on-line feature with all of you to give you ideas for your pets, plants and home. According to my dog Lexi, there are some really good tips in this article!

Part of enjoying a great, stress-free vacation is knowing that everything is taken care of at home. The pets and plants that depend on you can be absolutely fine while you are off seeing the sights; it just takes a little extra preparation. As with most things, the easiest way to ensure success and reduce worry is with some research, so I compiled this list of reader-tested tips and tricks all with one goal in mind — coming home from your holiday to happy pets and plants…

Talk to your friends who have pets- they may have already gone through this search, and found someone they like. You may even be surprised to find out that one of them *does* pet sitting. Another good option is to talk to the staff at your vet clinic- I've moved a lot, and have had a lot of success going this route. As a bonus, these folks will usually be brutally honest about any organization that they think is sub-par for their own pets... - Kealoha

Read the rest of the apartment therapy article here


  1. We have never kenneled our pets but rather find a service or a neighbor who will come in to our home and feed them while we are away. It's much less stressful not only for the pets, but for us as well.

  2. Agree it is a good article and awfully cute model. Our best friends babysit us
    Benny & Lily
