This week on Bluebird Farm I really enjoyed watching three events take place that made my heart happy. Most of these heart warming activities took place right outside my office window or on my back deck here at the farm. The first thing I noticed one morning when I glanced out my office window, was my four beautiful dogs basking in the Summer sunshine. I can just see the happiness in their faces when they look into a ray of sunshine that no matter what is going on around them, everything in their world is just how it should be.
The second event I witnessed right outside my office window was the sighting and photographing of our first batch of House Finch babies being fed by the adult male finch and some sweet Mourning Doves. And last but not least, was having some fun with my friend Cherri and her dog Ozzy. We were being silly and having a grand old time at the dog park and as you will see in the last few photos it doesn't take much to entertain us when it come to our dogs. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I did taking them.
Have a wonderful weekend. Christina, Lexi, Nitro, Tallulah and Bailey
Sunshine Makes Me Happy
Is it just me or is she absolutely PERFECT in every way?
She is totally worshiping the sun in this photo.
On this shot I was telling her how beautiful she is and she was soaking up all the compliments along with the sunshine.
Two peas in a pod!
Nitro with his nose in the air taking in all the scents of the neighboring forest and enjoying the sunshine.
The Sun makes him very, very sleepy.
I adore his blue eye!
It's funny now that all the grass has come in, the dogs graze on the grass as if they were cattle. Look at this picture of little Lexi chewing on the grass!
My Shepherd Bailey is like "chica you are no cow"....or in other words..."where's the beef?"...
Look at Lexi and her big dog Shadow!
He really should become a model, yeah that's the ticket...a super model!
Nitro: "I think I can smell nap coming on soon!"
Nitro: "Oh yes I did, I did smell nap ...zzzzzz
The Baby Birds of Bluebird Farm
They are waiting for the adult finch at the bird feeder to bring them breakfast (he is the red bird in the photo).
One of the baby finches is a little impatient so he is watching dad from up above.
Duumm deeeee. Dummm deeee Dummmdeee Dummm deeeee.....
Poor finch is working as hard as he can to carry a lot of seed in his mouth so he can feed those babies.
Dang, this is hard work.
The baby bird on the bottom is looking up probably thinking "come on already...what's taking you so long?"
The male house finch feeding his young chicks. Finally! Food at last!
They are like my dogs when it comes to their dog toys...mine..mine...mine...mine...mine...
Sorry, all gone!
That is one beautiful daddy finch!
Darn, was that it?!
Back for a second course meal...
Such a beautiful family. In the next few weeks the males will start turning red like the adult male finch in this photo.
I love getting at least one of the babies shot while trying to land. Look at those wings!
This photo reminds me of the wings of angels.
The Couple
A few minutes later a pair of Mourning Doves perched and started grooming themselves.
Can you say "bad hair day"?
So beautiful and so sweet.
How about some smooches baby?
They were a very sweet couple to watch.
And then there is my Bluebird daddy. He has been protecting his nest by attacking our two cars, pick up truck and banging on my office windows all day long. We finally moved the other two cars out of the drive- way and left our big work truck by the nest as a token sacrifice so the bluebird would leave the cars alone. He is a pretty little guy. This is exactly why we call this farm Bluebird Farm. They are everywhere!
Fun at Ozzy's Expense
This is my friend Cherri with her boxer Ozzy at the Salem Dog Park. I call this particular shot I Licked Cherri And I Liked It because I thought the title was appropriate.
Here is the main shot we were after at Ozzy's expense. I think it turned out pretty good don't you?
Happy Hopping!